Event Consultancy

Victoria has coordinated polo events in all types of environments including polo on Regent Street, London as part of their Summer Festival which attracted over 250,000 people in a single day.

Working in partnership with the Toast Festival, Victoria hosted a Food, Wine and Polo festival in Syon Park, London. Staged over three days, Victoria played for Great Britain and competed against teams from New Zealand, Australia and South Africa, creating an international event for all to enjoy.

Victoria has been responsible for coordinating entire packages associated with polo events including complete event itineraries, event logistics for players and horses, marketing, PR, ‘Have a Go’ Polo sessions for public participation, and comprehensive Health and Safety assessments.

Corporate 'Learn to Play' Polo

Victoria established the first ever corporate ‘Learn to Play’ Polo Days which provide a unique team-building experience and excellent client hospitality. “Best corporate day that I have ever attended” – PWC.

75% of people attending these days had never been on a horse before.

“Have a Go’ Polo allows for large scale participation where guests can learn how to swing a polo stick and experience getting on a horse to ride around in a controlled environment and hit a ball.

Victoria developed the concept for companies to host Family Fun Days which allowed them to entertain both clients and their employees over a number of months, culminating in a final day which was typically in association with a charity. For example the GTMC hosted their day with 12 companies taking part, and 74 participants who had learnt to play polo throughout the summer, competed for the title on the final day. Over 750 guests and family members attended the day to cheer on their team and funds were raised for the Rainbow Trust.

One's Reputation Speaks for Itself...

I think it’s fair to say that this was the best corporate day that most of us have ever attended. I would not hesitate in recommending the Learn to Play Polo Experience to colleagues and clients


Thank you for such a fantastic time…I can quite honestly say that it was the most enjoyable corporate event I have attended…everyone I spoke to commented on what a fabulous day out we’d all had

Jill Bone, AON Reinsurance

The best corporate day I have ever been on!

Sandy, AON Reinsurance

Such a fantastic day. It was a really original idea for a day out and despite my initial apprehension I really did enjoy myself’.

Alex Smith, Norton Rose

The day was superb from start to finish, and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Although I am convinced that there was a conspiracy afoot to deny us the victory which undoubtedly should have been ours!

Philip Hall, Marsh.

Despite walking like John Wayne for the last couple of days and rediscovering muscles I had forgotten about for the past fifteen years, I had a really good time on Wednesday….It was a great day out and I can see plenty of potential with my clients. The rest of the office are extremely jealous!

Kate Eastwood, The Finishing Touch

Once again thank you guys for a fantastic day – everyone had an absolutely brilliant time and I’ve been recommending the “Polo Experience” as the perfect team day out to everyone I know!!

Shelley Campbell, Crescent Capital

The clients from KPMG absolutely loved their day and I have been recommending you ever since.

Catie, TM Group

A really fabulous day out which I have been telling all my clients about – really wonderful

AOK Events

The polo was the single most exciting thing I have done in the last 10 years. Wow!!! Thanks a lot

Deutsche Bank